Category: Consulting 101

Understanding Consulting Fees to Help You Make Smarter Decisions

Consulting firms offer their clients valuable expertise, from knowledge to resources, for a certain period of time. But this type of service involves much more than that – it has an element of the economic game involved as well. The production potential of a consulting firm is completely dependent upon how they bill the time spent on projects. Every day lost has an impact just like any empty seat on a plane: it’s a missed opportunity and unproductive time that was not used to its fullest potential.

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The Value of Consulting

A consultant is an important and integral part of any organization. They provide critical insights and recommendations that help organizations reach their desired goals. While the role of consultants is often misunderstood, the value they bring to an organization is undeniable. In this article, we will talk more about the value of consulting and why it is so important for organizations to appreciate the hard work done by consultants.

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