This Week in Consulting

Wednesday, February 13th, 2019

2019 AI Predictions: Six AI priorities you can’t afford to ignore


“Leading companies are already starting to move their AI models into production, where they will run operations to enhance decision-making and provide forward-looking intelligence to people in every function. If you’re serious about AI, formalize your approach and develop company-wide capabilities so successful (and smaller) projects can be replicated and built into a greater whole…”

Most executives know that artificial intelligence (AI) has the power to change almost everything about the way they do business — and could contribute up to $15.7 trillion to the global economy by 2030. But what many business leaders don’t know is how to deploy AI, not just in a pilot here or there, but throughout the organization, where it can create maximum value.

The “how” is the sticking point with any emerging technology, and AI is no exception. How do you define your AI strategy? How do you find AI-literate workers or train existing staff? What can you do to get your data AI-ready? How do you ensure your AI is trustworthy?

This Week’s Must Read features an insight piece from PwC, where the consultants give answers to these answers and predictions on the six key areas that will help companies become AI leaders…

Read on to Find out More: “2019 AI Predictions: Six AI priorities you can’t afford to ignore“, Anand Rao, Scott Likens, Michael Baccala, Michael Shehab, Pwc.

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  • AI adoption advances, but foundational barriers remain  The adoption of artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly taking hold across global business. Survey respondents report the rapid adoption of AI and expect only a minimal effect on head count. Yet few companies have in place the foundational building blocks that enable AI to generate value at scale.  | Michael Chui, McKinsey
  • AI-fueled organizations :As AI technologies standardize across industries, becoming an AI-fueled organization will likely be table stakes for survival. And that means rethinking the way humans and machines interact within working environments. For some organizations, harnessing artificial intelligence’s full potential begins tentatively with explorations of select enterprise opportunities and a few potential use cases. | Nitin Mittal, Samir Hans, David Kuder, Deloitte
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About Consulting Quest

Consulting Quest is a global, performance-driven consulting platform founded in 2014 by former members of top 10 consulting firms with the objective of reinventing consultancy performance. With a worldwide presence and a range of proprietary performance measurement tools, we help companies navigate the consulting maze. We work with Consulting Clients to increase their performance through consulting and Consulting Providers to help them acquire new clients and to improve their performance.

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Hélène Laffitte
CEO and Co-Founder at  | Website | + posts

Hélène Laffitte is the CEO of Consulting Quest, a Global Performance-Driven Consulting Platform and author of “Smart Consulting Sourcing”, a step by step guide to getting the best ROI from your consulting. With a blend of experience in Procurement and Consulting, Hélène is passionate about helping Companies create more value through Consulting.

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