This Week in Consulting

Wednesday, March 04th 2020

What you should expect from Learning and Development in 2020


As we move further into a new year, many individuals and organizations alike are planning and implementing resolutions and annual plans for the coming 12 months. For many organizations, L&D efforts rank high on the priority list of 2020 goals and initiatives—and for good reason.”

What is the importance of L&D efforts for staying competitive in a knowledge-based economy and what are the L&D trends for 2020?

This Week’s Must Read  is an insight piece from HR Daily Advisor where the author lists L&D goals and priorities in 2020.

Read on to Find out More: “Top Learning and Development (L&D) Trends for 2020 | Lin Grensing-Pophal for HR Daily Advisor.

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Coaching Business Strategy To Take It To The Next Level. How can you level-up your business to reach and impact more people without burning out or overworking?


  • How Professional Coaching Can Advance Human Potential: “ In the past four decades the world’s understanding of the potential of a human being, especially as it relates to our understanding of how the brain learns, how habits are formed and how the brain copes with pressure has grown immensely. In a world that is rapidly changing a different way of thinking and communicating is required.” Is coaching  so powerfully that it enhances human potential and learning and behavior? | Tania Burrow, Coach Masters Academy
  • 6 Signs an Executive Is Not Ready for Executive Coaching: “Even the highest-performing athletes work with coaches to make them better.  Athletes may have team or position coaches, but many of the top athletes in the world employ personal coaches that work with aspects of their development, such as a strength or conditioning coach.” This article shows how companies can leverage Executive coaching as a significant investment in a leader’s growth. | Elevate Corporate Training
  • The professional development trends to watch in 2020: “Many people are feeling lost in their careers. Trying to navigate a VUCA world – an environment that is volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous – creates a lot of opportunity for confusion and distress. Feeling lost is perfectly normal. It is a sign that you are evolving as an individual in spirit and mind.” The authors predict the biggest trends in coaching and L&D in the UAE. | Gaj Ravichandra and Leila Rezaiguia for Training journal
  • Digital transformation: how modern media habits can shape the future of digital learning: “In the past, the L&D industry mirrored peoples’ media habits and embedded them within the learning experience. The process of implementation can take a while, however, and by the time a habit becomes part of the learning infrastructure, it is already the norm or even outdated by the next new trend.” Do you have an innovative mindset to challenge traditional methods and approaches? | Kerry Pascall, Fenturi.


  • KLM-BCG to partner with Virgin Atlantic to digitize operations: “The KLM-BCG partnership, based on their shared vision of driving integrated decision making in airline operations, has developed, implemented, and marketed a suite of state-of-the-art Operations Decision Support (ODS) tools based on artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, and advanced optimisation techniques” | WEBWIRE
  • Deloitte named a leader by Gartner in 2020 Magic Quadrant for Data and Analytics Service Providers: “We have entered the ‘Age of With,’ where the collaboration of humans with intelligent machines becomes paramount to success. Deloitte’s breadth of capabilities, from AI-led Strategy to delivering AI-enabled services, help clients become insight driven and drive value out of their investments in AI, Analytics and Automation” says Costi Perricos, Deloitte Global Analytics & Cognitive leader” | Deloitte
  • Cambridge Quantum Computing Announces Significant New Quantum Technology Collaboration With CERN: “We are excited to collaborate with CERN, the European Laboratory for Particle Physics, on this innovative quantum computing based research project,” said Ilyas Khan, Founder and CEO of CQC.  “CQC is focussed on using the world’s best science to develop technologies for the coming quantum age. Joining CERN openlab is a special development for any organization and we look forward to developing advances together,” he added.” |PRNewswire
  • US life sciences consultancy Putnam Associates enters the UK: “Putnam Associates has announced the launch of a new office in Chiswick, London. The new location sees the firm open its first presence in the UK and take a significant step toward expanding its European profile.” |


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Hélène Laffitte
CEO and Co-Founder at  | Website | + posts

Hélène Laffitte is the CEO of Consulting Quest, a Global Performance-Driven Consulting Platform and author of “Smart Consulting Sourcing”, a step by step guide to getting the best ROI from your consulting. With a blend of experience in Procurement and Consulting, Hélène is passionate about helping Companies create more value through Consulting.

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