This Week in Consulting

Wednesday, September 11th , 2019

Telecom operators in the age of drones.


“Telecom operators are uniquely positioned to become pivotal players in the rapidly developing commercial unmanned aerial vehicles (drone) market. Drone applications enable various types of companies to transform their operations and gain efficiency, in terms of cost and time, by capturing and analyzing datasets to improve decision making.

Telecom operators have now the opportunity to offer Drone Power Solutions to companies across different industries. But they will need to develop a way to play within each of the four key components of the DPS value chain: procurement, operations, processing & analytics, and storage & delivery.

This Week’s Must Read is an insight piece from Strategy&, part of the PwC network, in which the consultants discuss the disruption caused by drones in the telecom industry.

Read on to Find out More: “Telecom operators in the age of drones | Jad Hajj, Michal Mazur, Adam Wiśniewski, Ramzi Khoury, Strategy&, part of the PwC network.

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5G, augmented and virtual reality (AR/VR), and voice assistants are a few of the bold opportunities on the horizon for providers. Find out what  Deloitte leaders are saying in our just-released Telecom and Media & Entertainment outlooks.


  • Transformation is no longer a project, it is a culture: “Customers want to be served and they want clarity; they don’t want to be confused. They want to be able to interact with you where they want, when they want and how they want. If you think about that, that doesn’t mean picking up the phone or going into some store.” Here is an interview with Anthony Shiner discussing the latest trends in the industry and his approach to customer service and digital transformation. | Anthony Shiner, Telecom Review
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  • Leveraging Digital Technologies to achieve new growth: How should Telcos act? “Digitalization has changed the telecommunications landscape forever. While investments in radio spectrum, network infrastructure and other core areas are necessary for telcos to stay competitive, core connectivity services are not going to significantly boost their revenues in the future.” Do Telcos have to focus on Connectivity or digital technologies? What are the digital technologies available for telcos and how to decide on which ones they should invest?   | Stefano Sorrentino, Adriano Giaquinta, Chin San Ng, Value Partner
  • Unlocking Value in Telecom: “Creating value in telecom is essential because the industry enables and supports an ever-expanding range of economic activities. Our research with the World Economic Forum in Europe shows that investments in telecom infrastructure generally pay for themselves, as measured by GDP growth, in 7 to 18 months.” May the telecom industry be a highflier?  The decisions over the next five years will likely shape the future of these companies—and their home countries as well.  | Awais Ali , Simon Bamberger , Wolfgang Bock , Hady Farag , Patrick Forth , and Fredrik Lind, The Boston Consulting Group



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Hélène Laffitte
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Hélène Laffitte is the CEO of Consulting Quest, a Global Performance-Driven Consulting Platform and author of “Smart Consulting Sourcing”, a step by step guide to getting the best ROI from your consulting. With a blend of experience in Procurement and Consulting, Hélène is passionate about helping Companies create more value through Consulting.

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