This Week in Consulting

Wednesday, July 10th , 2019

The Business Benefits of Purpose


“One of the things that happens when you’re super successful is you sometimes lose touch with what made you successful in the first place,” Nadella told CNET news, “I wanted to go back to the very genesis of this company. What is that sense of purpose and drive that made us successful?”

A study by New York University found that purpose-oriented workers report greater job fulfillment, do better on their performance evaluations, and are much more likely to promote their employers to others. Purpose-oriented workers saw their work as being personally fulfilling and helping other people, while non purpose-oriented workers saw their job as merely a source of income or status…

This Week’s Must Read is an insight piece from Daniel Goleman for Korn Ferry Institute, in which the author asks us if there is a business case for having a sense of purpose in the work you do.

Read on to Find out More: “The Business Benefits of Purpose

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This talk was presented to a local audience at TEDxPuget Sound  by Simon Sinek who explores how leaders can inspire cooperation, trust and change. He’s the author of the classic “Start With Why”; his latest book is “Leaders Eat Last.”


  • The Wrong Ways to Strengthen Culture: “Culture is amorphous- there are no direct levers for shifting it in one direction or another. Indications are that CEOs are putting a higher priority on this aspect of leadership than in the past.” The article presents 3 common mistakes in spearheading cultural change: using simple adjectives to describe culture, not measuring culture with data alone and forgetting to adjust policies to support cultural change.  | Harvard Business Review
  • Experiment Engines: The Key to Unlocking Cultural Agility– “They talk about it as ‘being bold in a safe way’. Not only is this a welcome relief for those burdened with bureaucracy and compliance, but unbridled ‘doing’ as opposed to fettered ‘thinking’ delivers more audacious outcomes.” Experimentation is a powerful way to shift the culture in large organizations. In this article, you’ll discover an interesting approach that injects agility in cultural change initiatives. | Matt Kingdon,? What If! Innovation
  • How to define your true business purpose: “There is a difference between your ‘universal purpose’ and your mission or strategy. Purpose is your reason for being – and it does not change over time although it may inspire change. Your mission is what you do, your strategy is how you plan to achieve your shorter-term goals – and your values will guide the way that strategy and mission are executed.” This article highlights why purpose in important and how you can boost your business by answering a simple question: Why do you do what you do?.  | Macquarie Group
  • Why Your Organization’s Purpose is Important to Your Culture: “Today’s workforce and shoppers are made up of people who are more in tune with what the companies they buy from and work at stand for. They want to know the reasons why they are doing something – beyond that, it bolsters the bottom line.” Leaders across the world are paying attention to purpose. They try to figure out what role it should play in their organizations and in their culture because this topic is becoming increasingly near and dear to their employees’ and customers’ hearts. The article goes over the basics: what is a purpose, why does it matter and how to perfect it.  | Rich Berens, Root Inc
  • How to Manage the AI Disruption: A Culture of Purpose– “While AI will open the door for countless opportunities, it will be up to humans to make smart choices about which ones are truly worth pursuing. In the AI-dominated business world, winning isn’t a matter of knowing how to do something. The tireless AI brain can figure that out. Winning is the result of knowing why to do something.” Knowing how to ask why and get the answer to “how to use AI to achieve its business aims” question right is already what separates winners from losers. Artificial Intelligence is on everyone’s lips. But are you really ready for that disruption? | Maria Semykoz, Gallup


  • Are Drones Really the Future of Delivery? In today’s on-demand economy, consumers have come to expect rapid delivery times. Drone technology represents one way e-commerce businesses can accelerate delivery times. Unlike delivery trucks, drones can travel “as the crow flies” – skipping over traffic congestion and complicated navigation paths.  | Simon Pleass
  • Strong Stimulus programme needed in the event of a no deal Brexit warns RSM: RSM’s US chief economist Joe Brusuelas and the firm’s Brexit lead partner Simon Hart, set out the possible consequences of a no deal hard Brexit, which could see GDP fall, inflation jump and wage growth slow, leading to a drop in overall living standards. | Barney Cotton, Business Leader Magazine
  • Capgemini becomes business partner of the Skywise digital platform: Global professional services firm Capgemini has signed an 18-month agreement with Airbus to develop the company’s data services platform for airlines. Capgemini initially helped develop the Skywise programme with Airbus almost two years ago, and the platform is now connected with more than 80 global airlines, offering alert management and predictive and machine learning capabilities.  |
  • Why Messaging Is the Future of Market Research? The most common way companies receive customer feedback is through surveys sent via email. At the turn of the century, the email survey was a fine solution. Inboxes weren’t flooded, and online surveys were a drastic improvement over telephone surveys. | Andrew Reid, Rival Technologies


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Consulting Quest is a global, performance-driven consulting platform founded in 2014 by former members of top 10 consulting firms with the objective of reinventing consultancy performance. With a worldwide presence and a range of proprietary performance measurement tools, we help companies navigate the consulting maze. We work with Consulting Clients to increase their performance through consulting and Consulting Providers to help them acquire new clients and to improve their performance.

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Hélène Laffitte
CEO and Co-Founder at  | Website |  + posts

Hélène Laffitte is the CEO of Consulting Quest, a Global Performance-Driven Consulting Platform and author of “Smart Consulting Sourcing”, a step by step guide to getting the best ROI from your consulting. With a blend of experience in Procurement and Consulting, Hélène is passionate about helping Companies create more value through Consulting.

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