Consulting Q&AHow would you go about trimming the existing management consulting spend within an organization?
René SharmilaRené Sharmila asked 3 years ago

1 Answers
Silvia MoserSilvia Moser answered 3 years ago

There are a few ways to go about trimming the management consulting spend within an organization.

One way to trim management consulting spend within an organization is to conduct a review of the current management consulting services being used. This review can identify areas where management consulting services are no longer needed or where there are duplicate services being used. Once the review is complete, management consulting spend can be trimmed by negotiating with management consulting firms for reduced rates or by discontinuing services that are no longer needed.

Another way to trim management consulting spend is to increase the use of in-house staff to provide management consulting services. This can be done by training existing staff members in management consulting techniques or by hiring new staff members with management consulting experience.

By using a combination of these above methods, it is possible to significantly reduce management consulting spend within an organization.

If you want to know more about management consulting spend, you can read the following articles.

1. What Went Wrong With My Consulting Spend

2. How To Turn Consulting Spend Analysis Into Value