From the Consulting Wiki Hall of Fame — Summer Special Part 5
We are well into the summer months and we know that everyone’s focus is not entirely on work. This is the time to indulge in some good reads about your favorite topics. Our summer special Consulting Wiki series is created for just that. This collection comes complete with our best articles for you to enjoy during your summer break. So, sit back, relax, and enjoy the read. We promise it will be worth your while. And don’t forget to enjoy the rest of your summer. Cheers!
This week we’ve decided to share an article series of ours from Consulting Wiki that we think will be worth your while. It’s a 4-part series on the consulting frameworks, plus an introductory article that gives you an insight on what’s to come in the following 5 articles.
So, first up, an introduction or rather an overview on the consulting frameworks series of articles. As most of you know, companies utilize a range of methods and tools to improve their overall performance and efficiency. And that’s where consulting frameworks come into the picture. It helps assist individuals in management positions in evaluating key elements that may be affecting their company’s market performance. However, there are several types of consulting frameworks that are available.
Read the full article here.
Now, onto part 1 of the consulting frameworks article series. The first part of this series covers strategy consulting frameworks. Strategy frameworks are tools that help businesses think more clearly and guide them as they grow and achieve their desired goals. Strategy is the art of making choices and allocating resources to achieve the desired result (usually a financial one). The article covers a detailed list of all the top frameworks associated with strategy.
Moving onto part 2 of the consulting frameworks article series. This part talks about frameworks associated with growth and innovation. Growth and innovation pretty much go hand in hand. In fact, innovation leads to growth which can benefit consumers, businesses, as well as the whole economy. These frameworks help businesses in a great way by taking them to another level. This article covers a detailed list of the top frameworks with regards to growth and innovation.
Consulting Frameworks Series: Growth and Innovation Frameworks (Part 2)
Next up is part 3 of the consulting frameworks article series. In this part, you’ll be looking at frameworks in relation to management and organizations. Management and organization are two of the most important pieces in any firm. Without them, no company can function properly. While management is relatable to the general administration of the company, the organization takes care of the flow of products and services throughout businesses, and lots more. Now, this article covers a detailed list of the best frameworks in association with management and organization.
Consulting Frameworks Series: Management and Organization Frameworks (Part 3)
Last but not least, is part 4 of our consulting frameworks article series. This part talks about the frameworks that fall under the category of improvement and problem solving. Improvement relates to implementing methods to improve or even continuously improve business processes. On the other hand, problem solving is regarded as a plain and simple process that helps with finding a solution to any kind of problem. This means improving your solutions in order to solve the issues at hand. This article covers a detailed list of the best frameworks with regards to improvement and problem solving.
Consulting Frameworks Series: Improvement and Problem Solving Frameworks (Part 4)
Enjoy the Consulting Wiki article series and do share your thoughts on this subject. We’ll look forward to hearing your feedback. Meanwhile, you can also tune in to our podcast channel or watch our videos on our YouTube channel.
Thank you for reading our Consulting Wiki article series!
Hélène Laffitte is the CEO of Consulting Quest, a Global Performance-Driven Consulting Platform and author of “Smart Consulting Sourcing”, a step by step guide to getting the best ROI from your consulting. With a blend of experience in Procurement and Consulting, Hélène is passionate about helping Companies create more value through Consulting.