This Week in Consulting

This Week In Consulting:  When Toys and Games go digital sky is the limit

This Week In Consulting: When Toys and Games go digital sky is the limit

Toys are a crucial part of every child’s life, and with the advancement of technology such as cloud computing, machine learning, and facial identification, the toy business has achieved an unparalleled level of interaction with individuals. β€œsmart toys” are interactive, intelligent, and assist a youngster in getting smarter.
This Week In Consulting:  How new technologies will change the manufacturing industry?

This Week In Consulting: How new technologies will change the manufacturing industry?

Manufacturing companies have seen extraordinary disruption in the last year. The COVID-19 problem has expedited digitalization, increased the incidence of cyber assaults, and changed consumer behavior. The epidemic has exposed flaws in manufacturers’ end-to-end processes, emphasizing the need for increased resilience and agility.
This Week In Consulting:  How technology will impact the future?

This Week In Consulting: How technology will impact the future?

In "This Week in Consulting," you'll learn all you need to know about Technology Innovation.
This Week In Consulting:  Challenging problems to crack? Start Reframing!

This Week In Consulting: Challenging problems to crack? Start Reframing!

Challenging problems by Reframing. Find out how In This Week in Consulting.
This Week In Consulting:  Coaching, a skill and a lever for busy managers

This Week In Consulting: Coaching, a skill and a lever for busy managers

In This Week in Consulting, all you need to know about the role of coaching in these particular times.
This Week In Consulting:  How to leverage pricing to spur profitability

This Week In Consulting: How to leverage pricing to spur profitability

In This Week in Consulting, all you need to know about Pricing Strategy.
This Week In Consulting:  Reinventing the plastics industry

This Week In Consulting: Reinventing the plastics industry

What are the mains challenges for Chemicals to reinvent the plastics industry? Find out more in This week in Consulting.
This Week In Consulting:  Is Risk Management hindering Growth?

This Week In Consulting: Is Risk Management hindering Growth?

In This Week in Consulting all you need to know about the impact of risk management on growth.
This Week In Consulting:  Exploring space, the moon and the planets beyond

This Week In Consulting: Exploring space, the moon and the planets beyond

In This Week in Consulting, all you need to know about the last expectations, trends and risks of the space exploration.
This Week In Consulting: Covid-19 is reshaping the future of business

This Week In Consulting: Covid-19 is reshaping the future of business

What is the impact of coronavirus pandemic on businesses? Discover it in This week in consulting.
This Week In Consulting: Opportunities for the natural resources industry

This Week In Consulting: Opportunities for the natural resources industry

In This Week in Consulting, all you need to know about challenges and opportunities for the natural resources industry.